Translate with Vue I18n
The basics to get started with Nuxt i18n module is to translate with Vue I18n via the vueI18n
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['@nuxtjs/i18n'],
i18n: {
vueI18n: './i18n.config.ts' // if you are using custom path, default
export default defineI18nConfig(() => ({
legacy: false,
locale: 'en',
messages: {
en: {
welcome: 'Welcome'
fr: {
welcome: 'Bienvenue'
The i18n.config
file exports the same options as the createI18n
function of Vue I18n. The configuration is passed to the createI18n
function via the Nuxt plugin (runtime) of this module internally. For more details about configuration, see the Vue I18n documentation.
For more information on how to use Vue I18n Composition API, please see the docs here.
legacy: true
)Now, put (or edit) the following the page component in pages
directory of your project:
<script setup>
const { locale, setLocale } = useI18n()
<button @click="setLocale('en')">en</button>
<button @click="setLocale('fr')">fr</button>
<p>{{ $t('welcome') }}</p>
You now have a really simple Vue I18n based translation environment ready to go! The <button>
elements can be used to switch between the English and French languages, by clicking either of the buttons you can see the word "welcome" translate and the page URL change to its corresponding language.
Auto Imports
Some composable functions provided by @nuxtjs/i18n
such as useI18n
are auto-imported by Nuxt.
If you want to import them explicitly, you can use #imports
as follows:
<script setup>
import { useI18n, useLocalePath } from '#imports'
// ...
Link localizing
The Nuxt i18n module extends the integrated Vue I18n to give us some i18n features for Nuxt application. In here, we introduce one of those features, the link localization with extending Nuxt pages and routing.
You'll need to additionally set the defaultLocale
and locales
options, as in the following configuration.
For localizing links, you can use the code provided from the locales
option as the URL path prefix, except for defaultLocale
(read more on routing).
export default defineNuxtConfig({
modules: ['@nuxtjs/i18n'],
i18n: {
+ locales: ['en', 'fr'], // used in URL path prefix
+ defaultLocale: 'en', // default locale of your project for Nuxt pages and routings
When rendering internal links in your app using <NuxtLink>
, you need to get proper URLs for the current locale. To do this, the Nuxt i18n module provides some helper composables:
URL path
You can localize URL paths using useLocalePath
is a composable which returns a function used to get the localized URL for a given path. The first parameter can either be the path or name of the route or an object for more complex routes. A locale code can be passed as the second parameter to generate a link for a specific language:
<script setup>
const localePath = useLocalePath()
<NuxtLink :to="localePath('index')">{{ $t('home') }}</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink :to="localePath('/')">{{ $t('home') }}</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink :to="localePath('index', 'en')">Homepage in English</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink :to="localePath('/user/profile')">Route by path to: {{ $t('profile') }}</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink :to="localePath('user-profile')">Route by name to: {{ $t('profile') }}</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink :to="localePath({ name: 'category-slug', params: { slug: category.slug } })">
{{ category.title }}
Note that localePath
can use the route's unprefixed path, which must start with '/'
or the route's base name to generate the localized URL. The base name corresponds to the names Nuxt generates when parsing your pages
directory, more info in Nuxt docs.
. This API is kept for migration from Nuxt 2.Language switching path
You can localize the language of the current path using useSwitchLocalePath
is a composable function which returns a link to the current page in another language:
<script setup>
const switchLocalePath = useSwitchLocalePath()
<NuxtLink :to="switchLocalePath('en')">English</NuxtLink>
<NuxtLink :to="switchLocalePath('fr')">Français</NuxtLink>
. This API is kept for migration from Nuxt 2.URL path with Route object
You can localize advanced URL paths using useLocaleRoute
. This is useful if you would to control internal links programmatically.
is a composable function that returns a Route
object for a given page.
It works like useLocalePath
but returns a route resolved by Vue Router rather than a full route path. This can be useful as the path returned from useLocalePath
may not carry all information from the provided input (for example, route params that the page doesn't specify).
<script setup>
const localeRoute = useLocaleRoute()
function onClick() {
const route = localeRoute({ name: 'user-profile', query: { foo: '1' } })
if (route) {
return navigateTo(route.fullPath)
<button @click="onClick">Show profile</button>
. This API is kept for migration from Nuxt 2.